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Regulatory Investigations

Empowering regulators to protect the public

The Trusted Name in Regulatory Investigations.

When professional misconduct has been alleged, regulators need a thorough, objective and efficient investigation partner.

Regulatory bodies are facing intense scrutiny and need experienced support. At Barker Hutchinson, we conduct hundreds of investigations every year and are trusted by over 85% of Ontario's healthcare regulators.

We guide you through the process from intake to final report. Our training and workshops also help regulators’ staff gain the advanced skills needed for effective internal investigations.

“We turn to Barker Hutchinson time and time again because of the quality of their reports and ability to produce defensible investigations.”


When Should A Regulator Consider Retaining An External Investigator?

As a regulatory investigations firm, we understand that many regulators rely on internal investigators to handle complaints. However, there are key situations where bringing in an external regulatory investigator is not just beneficial, but essential.

One of the most common reasons regulators turn to an external investigator is when the case involves complex concerns that demand specialized knowledge and expertise. Whether it’s navigating intricate legal issues or addressing sensitive matters, our team has the experience and skills needed to handle these challenges effectively.

Another critical factor is when there’s a potential conflict of interest.

If the investigation involves a statutory committee member, employee or any situation that might compromise impartiality, an external investigator can ensure the process remains fair and unbiased. Maintaining public trust is crucial.

Additionally, regulators may face limited resources or a surge in complaints, making it difficult to manage all investigations internally. In such cases, partnering with an external regulatory investigations firm like ours can provide the necessary support to ensure timely and thorough investigations.

Finally, when the investigation requires a trauma-informed, person-centred approach, our expertise shines.

We handle complex concerns and ensure that all parties involved are treated with the respect and sensitivity they deserve.

Choosing an external regulatory investigator in these situations not only brings specialized expertise to the table but also reinforces the integrity and credibility of the investigation process.

Our Areas of Expertise.

We help professional regulators with issues such as:

  • Sexual And Physical Abuse
  • Fraud And Improper Billing Practices
  • Incompetence
  • Incapacity
  • Unauthorized Practice
  • Practice Related Concerns
  • Undercover Investigations

Learn how we can empower you to protect the public.

Any Questions?

How is the appropriate investigator assigned to my investigation?

How do you ensure the investigation is neutral, fair and unbiased?

How long does it take to perform a regulatory investigation?